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PremRock & Willie Green Tour

"After completing the album the goal of both of us is to take it as far as humanly possible and to spread the music while we are given the opportunity. We have already funded some of the trip ourselves but still need a lot of help to complete the mission. Transportation while overseas offers the biggest challenge, it can often be the most expensive part of any travel, not to mention food and on occassion finding a place to sleep.

Although we have the fortune of our album being released through Isolated Wax Records, our budget while overseas is entirely up to us, and in order to raise money we are willing to part ways with a WHOLE LOT of music. Even including our new record and personalized items as part of the deal.

In order to reach our goal we hope to accumulate the funds to make the traveling from country to country as seamless as possible and using any profits from the shows to recycle it back in CD and merchandise production.

We've made it pretty far with the help of our supporters but there really is no telling where we could end up with the proper push behind it.

We salute and thank all of you for your time and honestly can't wait to share this record and live show with you!


Prem & Green"


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